
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bathing Bourke Parakeets. David and Bathsheba?

Morning bath time ...  My husband arrived in the kitchen this morning at an opportune time to snap these photos.  Rosie and Pastel are two handfed youngsters we decided to keep. They enjoy bathing in the sink. There were three birds bathing, but Flame finished before my husband arrived, and decided to stay on my shoulder to watch the other two.

Thinking about it.
We have a Splendid who used to do this, but I've learned from experience that you need to continue to give your tame birds lots of attention. If you ignore them for too long, they become less tame. He no longer trusts me enough to bath in the sink on my hand. So, these birds usually come outside their cages about once a day, most often in the morning - our favorite time together.
If you do, I will.

How does it feel?

How's this pose? Happy now!

Ahh...just the way I like it. Nice of them to install
this sink in the island bar just for us!

The others don't know what they're missing!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Pink Birds! Red Birds! All Kinds of Birds, Birds, Birds!

Hello All,
Male Rosy Bourke Parakeet.
When I was growing up, my grandfather raised budgerigar parakeets and gave me my first pairs. My dad built an aviary and my parents encouraged my love affair with birds. We spent a lot of time visiting zoo’s and assorted bird farms.

However, there was one bird in particular that made a lasting impression on me.

Rose-breasted Cockatoo.

In 1966 I fell in love with a sweet, young Rose-breasted cockatoo. She had been handfed and was for sale at Magnolia Bird Farm in Anaheim, California for $250. I visited her many times and lamented the fact that I didn’t have $250 to buy her. Although my parents were happy to help me support parakeets, finches and doves, the cockatoo was beyond their realm of possibility.

Rose-breasted Cockatoo.

Pair of Rose-breasted's.
If I’d been old enough to buy her myself, she could still be with me today. Their lifespan is typically 60 years. Probably because of that Rose-breasted cockatoo, I was later led to explore the world of smaller – yet just as beautiful – Rosy Bourkes.

I love my pink birds and wondered just how many more of them there are in the world. This photo assortment is by no means all of them, but an impressive group none-the-less. Most are photos borrowed from Google Images. (If any are your photos and you want credit, or want them removed, let me know and I will oblige. None indicated a license).

American Robin.

Male Cardinal, from American Midwest.

Crested Bird of Paradise

Crowned Cockatoo.

Pink Flamingo.

Frigate Birds.

Wild Gouldian Finches.

House Finch.

Audubon's King Bird of Paradise.

Baby Major Mitchell's or Leadbeater's Cockatoos.

Major Mitchell Cockatoo.

Major Mitchell Cockatoos in front, Rose-breasted in back.

A striking Leadbeater's or Maj. Mitchell.

Mount Goliath Lorikeet.

Purple Finch.

Rainbow Lorikeets.

African Grey Parrots. Rare red-factor in center.

Young Red Factor African Grey Parrot, rare.

Red Faced Parrot Finch

Red Factor Canary.

Red Factor Canary Babies.

Red Factor Sun Conures.

Roseate Spoonbill in flight.

Roseate Spoonbill.

Roseate Spoonbill.

Roseate Spoonbill with young.

Wild Rose-breasted Cockatoo.

And one of my own...Bonnie's mate, Clyde, a Rosy Bourke Parakeet.

Scarlet Finch.

Wild Scarlet Macaw in flight.

More lovely pink Roseate Spoonbills.

Wilson's Bird of Paradise.

Zebra Finches in their wild color. Male at left with cheek patches. Hen on right.

Four newly hatched Rosy Bourke Parakeets.

Young Rosy Bourke Parakeets almost ready to leave nestbox.

Rosy Bourke hen in front, male Scarlet-chested Parakeet
in back.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Precious Pretty Pink Parakeets & Cats ...

Rosy Bourke Baby showing some blue on rump.
Normals have a blue rump. Rosy rumps can have wide variations.
 This little Rosy Bourke Parakeet is ready to leave the nest. In fact, she did, the very next day.

Patches Kitty is more interested in me then the bird.
 Even though Patches is a rescued cat who came to us as an older adult, she immediately learned to "ignore" the birds in spite of the fact that she survived on her own living in the woods and feeding herself, even through a snowy winter. Well-fed now, she has also learned to leave the wild birds alone. A stern, "No!" is all it took to convince her which side her bread is buttered on.

Our birds are part of the family.