
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Brand New Out of the Egg

Cherry's no longer young, and she still hatched this little fellow only moments ago. I noticed her out of the nest being fed by her mate and thought I'd check. I really didn't expect to find a baby, but voila! Good for her!  Baby is still wet with a piece of his broken shell near by.

Although she's had eggs that didn't hatch in the past, she always successfully raises every one of her hatchlings, so I expect this one to be fine. This baby is only minutes old.  As an experienced mother, she's not bothered by my meddling.  ;-)  This is the sixth baby from four clutches at present, so I'm excited. Two other mothers have two babies each, and won't be hatching other eggs in their current clutches. Cherry and Candy, however, have a baby each with the potential for other eggs to hatch.

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