
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Albino Baby

I've just started hand-feeding this little guy. His bigger siblings have been grabbing all the food and he's too small to compete, He's fesity though. Looks like he's ready to fly away, doesn't he?

In the photo in the lower left notice the lack of pigment in the eyes of one baby Bourke vs. the other. They are from the same clutch. In previous years, two other babies from the same parents who were born with pink eyes like the one I've begun feeding did not survive. God willing, this little pink-eyed baby will. All prayers appreciated...

I'm curious to see what he/she will look like.  Other pink-eyed adults I've seen were not all white, but did have white faces. Their bodies were pink and wing feathers dark.

These babies hatched April 1, 3 & 4. As an Easter chick, he's not growing very quickly and starting today I'm going to hand feed him so that he doesn't have to compete with his two siblings. I've done a few supplimental feedings, but that only seemed to make his mother less inclined to feed him. Perhaps she's aware that something is wrong with him? Notice how dark his belly is. It's darker than the others. I hope that's not indicative of some defect or other.

I'll keep you informed of his progress, or lack thereof.


  1. I do hope the baby does well. Although I must say that when I've had gouldian finch babies have very dark belly (I think it's mostly the liver when they are that young), they didn't tend to do well. Hopefully this one will pull through.

  2. He opened his eyes for the first time today. I hope that's a good sign. His crop seems to fill with air more than other babies too, probably another problem for him to overcome. Gentle massage or pressure seems to help empty the air, allowing more room for food. Perhaps that's why he's grown so slowly.

  3. UPDATE in July, 2011: Although this little fellow didn't survive, this year we have two brand new pink-eyed baby Rosy Bourkes who are doing well. We're excited to see what their feathers look like when they come in. They are looking healthy, unlike this one. These two with pink-eyes aren't from the same hen, but from one of her granddaughters.
