
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Breakfast for Bourke's

The month of August is very full for us as three of our six grandchildren will be visiting all month.

This photo was taken by my 15-year-old grandson, Matthew, who was willing to take the picture for me. Although, perhaps in typical teen-age male behavior, he refuses to have his own photo taken. Smile.

I'm feeding a baby Bourke and our young adult, tame Bourkes are helping themselves to some Exact Hand Feeding formula too. It's a bit of a treat for them. They don't eat much of it, but they always want a taste or two. It seems to help keep them engaged with me vs. flying around and pestering our other birds...those who aren't allowed out for free flying. I'd have to get a net to catch the others, and frankly, there are too many and nets upset all of them.

Currently, I have five who enjoy free flying with me each morning. The cats and dog go outside and then the birds fly freely for a little while. Fortunately, they are usually willing to return to their cages when I want them to.

Bourkes are very sweet-natured birds and typically quieter than most.

Kaytee Exact Hand Feeding Program for Birds  I haven't seen this video, but found it offered at for anyone who is interested. 
May the rest of your summer be blessed and your birds remain healthy and happy!

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