
Monday, August 29, 2011

Rosy Bourke Father with Food on His Face

Food from when he's fed his mate.
This spread out on his cheek feathers
 and hardened.

Bonnie and Clyde only had one fertile egg out of four. Perhaps that contributed to why Clyde looks like this. He only has his mate and one offspring to feed, and he's regurgitating too much.

This photo shows the "milk" he feeds his mate having hardened around his beak.

I expected to have to catch him and wash his face in warm water. That's something I've done many times on hand fed baby birds when Exact hand feeding formula isn't cleaned off and hardens. Best to find it and get it off before it dries.

However, I procrastinated with Clyde and this bit of hardened "milk" eventually dropped off all by itself a few days later. If this happens to one of your birds, don't let it worry you.

In photo below, Clyde's face is clean. He's the one in the center.
In all honesty, Clyde is the only parent bird I've ever seen this happen to. But, each and every one is an individual. Bless their tiny hearts. 

Baby named "Gray" because of unusual light gray head, back and chest.
Parents, Clyde in center and Bonnie on right.
Baby still has some down on head and rump.
This pair typically produce two or three offspring per clutch,
but this time there was only one.
However, he's unique.
Peace & Blessings!

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