
Wednesday, February 6, 2019


Two hand fed baby Bourke Parakeets
Hello I have been watching your videos on YouTube. I have just adopted a baby bourke parakeet and I am wanting to bond. We got her from an established facility a few hours away that had been hand feeding her. I have had her since Groundhogs day. She is my first bird other than a chicken and a few budgies when j was a young child. The woman that j bought her from told me that I should be getting her out of her cage and holding her. Meaning i have to chase her around her cage corner her then grab her entire body. She bites me and struggles and it seems wrong and cruel. It also goes against what I have read elsewhere from many different sites and videos that I should go slow, putting my hand in the cage then go slowly until she is comfortable with me. I dont know what to do. I dont want her to be afraid of me but I also dont want to u do all of the handling that they have done. But if she has ever been comfortable with being grabbed and held like I was told to do today, then she certainly is not okay with me doing it. Can u please please help me? Any advice? She is only 8 weeks old btw  -- Chelsea

Tame parent Bourkes watch as babies are hand fed.

It sounds to me like they lied about her being hand fed. She shouldn't be so frightened of being held if she was hand fed. Hand feeding requires some holding and instills confidence in the bird. That's the whole purpose of hand feeding. Otherwise, why do it?

You are right that chasing her is going to frighten her. Sometimes with Budgies it's the only way to get them. Bourkes are more gentle then Budgies. If she's really only 8 wks old she should tame down for you even if not hand fed. I hope they didn't exaggerate on her young age. and that she's really that young. Odd that she's biting at that young an age, however. Frightened Bourkes do bite, but babies less so. Keep in mind that she's away from her family and in a whole new environment, so be patient with her. Always be kind and speak softly and sweetly to her.  

I recommend finding something she really likes to eat and offer it to her from your hand in her cage. Spray millet is easiest for young birds to eat and all Bourkes love it. We only feed Calif. golden spray millet, not the ugly little gray stuff you find in pet or grocery stores. My birds also love rice chex cereal as a treat. You can crush it and hold it in your hand. Offer that to her from your hand while she is in her cage and always talk sweetly to her. Tell her how pretty and sweet she is and that you won't hurt her. She doesn't understand English (yet), but she does understand the tone of your voice and your intentions ... so voice them. Bourkes love to be talked to and she should not be an exception to this. Always talk to her every time you come into her room. Tell her good morning, and hello all the time. Your voice should become reassuring and hopefully you will overcome her initial fear of you. She's going to be lonely and unhappy for a while. She needs your attention.
Lady Gouldian finch hand fed babies.
Once you've tamed her, I recommend getting another bird. They are flock animals and people can't be present 24/7, so having a companion all the time is a kind thing to do for every bird.

Best of luck,

Some weaned young Bourkes that were hand fed.

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