I mentioned Fuchsia. In a previous post I said that I'd decided to limit all the birds to two clutches and had removed the other nest boxes. Well... Fuchsia is a determined mother. She still has one baby that hasn't fledged, and I'm hand feeding, so she should not be inclined toward another clutch so soon. Yet, she decided she wants to raise another clutch. Even without a nest box she and Flame have been mating and she laid two eggs on the floor of her cage. I took the first and put it under Rosie because she's brooding, although her babies are more than 18 days older than that egg.
I placed the second egg she laid into the box. It's in a corner that I hope she will choose since it's the easiest for me to see when the lid is opened. Once she lays the third egg, I'll retrieve the first one from Rosie's box and put it back for Fuchsia. I don't know that these are fertile, but there's nothing to lose letting her have them.
So much for downsizing! I only have three Bourke pairs left, but they are prolific. Fortunately, elderly Cherry is willing to slow down and not demanding her box back.
Remember the little Bourke with a splay leg? Well, after four methods to secure her leg, we gave up after a couple of weeks and it is still splayed. However, she flies and lands well and and is coping adequately. She has a new home with a young woman who wanted her. She is the only bird in the household and will be spoiled and well cared for.
Here is today's photo of the Lady Gouldian finches that I'm hand feeding (out of necessity, not by choice). Notice the wing feathers! They're eleven days old today.
Peace & Blessings.
Hi Gail!
This is the young lady who took in the Rosy Bourke with the leg defect. "Leggy" or Lucy as she is now named :)has adapted very well. Also an update about her leg, I found it very fasinating when I was watching her one day and she bent it back (almost to a normal position!)and she appeared to be grooming it, also I watched her move every single toe on it; she extendend each one and curled them back. I think you were right when you said you were guessing she was female, she has not done a wolf whistle and has lots of gray color in the face. She enjoys singing and being out in the living room with everyone. Thank you again for the wonderful importunity!
Hello Raelene, It's wonderful to hear from you and know that Lucy is doing well. Many breeders would put a disabled bird down. That she's in a good home where she can live a happy life is very heart warming. Thank you for the update, and for loving Lucy.
Peace and Blessings to you and your family. - Gail
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